RBN Lahardest Is The Next Big Thing


RBN Lahardest has been taking the industry by storm all 2021. Releasing a brand new single at the top of this month, “Breakdown” is another hit RBN has added to his collection. Looking to climb atop of the Detroit music scene, “Breakdown” proves what type of artist RBN Lahardest is. Utilizing his unique flow and sounds, RBN is able to attract new eyes to his music every time he releases. Wanting his listeners to feel comforted by his music, RBN looks to include soft tones and melodies. created his own unique way of creating music. Not using the traditional hook and verse set up like most artists do, some of RBN’s release start right off with a verse, where as some of his releases are an extra long intro right into the first verse. This has provided Lahardest with great feedback from fans, as they are eager to see what his next song will sound like. 

RBN Lahardest also strikes his listeners with strong word play, setting himself apart from the generic topics talked about in today’s music. Having substance in his songs, this has allowed RBN’s fans to actually enjoy the words and message behind each release. “Breakdown” is another perfect example of how well rounded of an artist RBN Lahardest is. If you have not had a chance to check out the upcoming Detroit artist, “Breakdown” will be linked below!


Mark Velazquez has been covering the Hip-Hop industry for the past 6 years professionally having worked with numerous blogs over his illustrious career. Mark has decided to take a position as the Editor in Chief of WeeklyRapUp


Pretend Has Vibes Top to Bottom via Paxson Chase
